

「耶稣对银库坐着,看众人怎样投钱入库。有好些财主往里投了若干的钱。有一个穷寡妇来,往里投了两个小钱,就是一个大钱。耶稣叫门徒来,说:我实在告诉你们,这穷寡妇投入库里的,比众人所投的更多。因为,他们都是自己有余,拿出来投在里头;但这寡妇是自己不足,把她一切养生的都投上了。 」马可福音12:41-44





There are three ways to give your tithes and offerings to Grace Chinese Gospel Church of North York:

1. Interac e-Transfer

Send your donation via your bank website to offering@gcgcny.org

To help us get you a charitable donation receipt for your offering, please include your information in the transfer note as follows:


Name ( … ) Offering # ( 0000 )

Designating your offering

Optionally, to designate your offering towards a specific fund, include the fund code along with the dollar amount within brackets:

  1. GF: general fund
  2. STM: short term missions
  3. BLD: building fund
  4. FDS: food bank

Example: Peace Chan, who has offering number #0123, wishes to donate $35 to the general fund, $13 to the building fund, and $27 to the short term missions fund. She would indicate the following in the note:

Name (Peace Chan) Offering # (0123) GF(35) BLD(13) STM(27)

2. Credit or debit card

Donate securely via your credit or debit card via our secure payments processor.

3. SMS text message

Text give to 416-499-0111 to receive a text message with details!