
Rev. Fanco Chan
Senior Pastor

Greetings. My name is Fanco Chan and I am currently serving as the Senior Pastor for GCGCNY over all the congregations. My family is my wife and three sons.

416-499-0111 ext. 108

Rev. Dr. Ted Tham Chan
English Lead Pastor

Hi, I am Reverend Ted Tham. I have been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. I have been the Lead Pastor of English Ministry at GCGCNY since 2017. I graduated from Engineering at the Univ. of Toronto, worked for several years in the computer industry, got my M.Div. degree from Ontario Theological Seminary (now Tyndale) and then a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree (focusing on small groups) from Fuller Seminary. I have been married to Melody (a public school teacher) since 1994. We have two adult sons – Joshua and Caleb.

416-499-0111 ext. 104

Rev. Dr. Ted Tham Chan
English Lead Pastor

Hi, I am Reverend Ted Tham. I have been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. I have been the Lead Pastor of English Ministry at GCGCNY since 2017. I graduated from Engineering at the Univ. of Toronto, worked for several years in the computer industry, got my M.Div. degree from Ontario Theological Seminary (now Tyndale) and then a Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree (focusing on small groups) from Fuller Seminary. I have been married to Melody (a public school teacher) since 1994. We have two adult sons – Joshua and Caleb.

416-499-0111 ext. 104

黃纘舜牧師Rev. Sunny Wong

平安! 大家好! 我是黃牧師! 我在香港理工學習時接受了基督為救主。從那時起,我加入了香港的一所地方教會。感謝神,後來神為我在1996打開了移民到加拿大學習和工作的大門。隨後神給我有另一個的計劃,神呼召我來服侍神和衪的教會,讓我在 2004 年有機會在天道神學院學習。2006年畢業后,我一直在多倫多一所華人教會服侍,然後得著神的恩典,於 2023 年 9 月我加入 GCGCNY。目前,我主要服侍教會粵語堂的少家、中家團契和長者事工!本人已婚,太太Ivy, 育有一女兒Lori和 倆隻貓,現一家與我母親現居於萬錦市,我父親在頤康長期護老院居住!

416-499-0111 ext. 106